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Backup and Restore Insight

Don Max (241734) | asked Dec 17 '14, 7:55 a.m.
edited Dec 18 '14, 1:47 a.m.
I want to create a production backup of insight which can be applied to a test server. I have  installed insight on my test machine. Is there a way to copy the configuration files including the data  from production server  and replace  it in the test environment and bring it up.. (avoiding the insight setup part in test server) . Is this possible.


2 answers

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Dec 18 '14, 6:56 a.m.
Hello Don,

for Insight there are more than some configuration files to be copied over.
In addition to the Cognos installation there is also the web application deployed on WAS, and this is configured and deployed by the setup application.
So I would say you have to run it.

Another approach would be to fully clone the production system, however this is tricky as you need to make sure that the cloned environment is completely isolated from production as there are connections to databases and other systems (CLM and other data sources) stored in various places of the application (data sources, xdc files, content store, catalog database, jazz namespace configuration, ...).

Best Regards,

Francesco Chiossi

Don Max commented Dec 18 '14, 7:09 a.m.

  Thank  you for the answer.

  Yes, am trying to create a cloned environment  isolated from production for testing. I have already done the same with my clm setup. Please help me with creating clone for my insight setup.


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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Dec 18 '14, 7:31 a.m.
Hello Don,

there are various things to take into account to clone your Insight environment:

- On the cloned server you should modify the hosts file so that all the references to the production URL are pointing to the IP addresses of the cloned environment. You should do it for all of the insight URLs and the associated applications, like CLM and the databases. This is somewhat similar to what is documented for CLM:

Staging a test environment for the upgrade process

- The databases are to be restored as well, if you can replicate the exact same naming and connection structure on the cloned environment, you won't need much changes. Otherwise you will have to track all the places where a database connection is defined and alter it to point to the cloned database.

- It would be safe to have the network for the cloned environment completely isolated from production. This is valid for the databases as well. The reason for this, is to avoid that a mistake during the configuration of the cloned environment might affect production data or services.

 This is just an high level overview on how to approach the task. The technical details will vary greatly based on your configuration.

Best Regards,

Francesco Chiossi

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