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Insight ETL Monitoring in Nagios

Neelima Jyesta (1144) | asked Jan 29 '14, 6:51 a.m.
How to add a notification in Nagios to check for the ETL Job status of Rational Insight?

2 answers

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Jan 29 '14, 9:01 a.m.
Hello Neelima,

I'm not familiar with Nagios, but Insight stores information on the ETL Job executions in the CONFIG.ETL_INFO table of the data warehouse, maybe you could try looking there for your monitoring needs.

Best Regards,

Francesco Chiossi

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Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered Jan 29 '14, 9:13 a.m.
We use Nagios to monitor the report server status, but have not figured out a way to use it for ETL monitoring at this time.

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