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Increasing query result limit in JRS...what is the impact to server resources

ed Neubecker (15322847) | asked Jan 05 '17, 10:20 a.m.
By default JRS limits the number of query results of a report to 3000 items. This can be changed by changing the property value as described in this thread
The question is...As someone increases this number, What is an approach to identify a reasonable upper limit?
Does increasing this number increase the RAM/CPU consumption of JRS or is it just a Usability constraint of how much can fit into the browser cache?

We are looking for some guidance on what is impacted by increasing this number to 10,000 and beyond.

p.s. The user scenario for this is trying to run a query that shows all defects in a large project area, then exporting it to excel for analytics.  The report that returns these 10,000 records will not be for a human to read. It will be something for an analytics tool (like excel) to crunch.

Jackie Albert commented Jan 05 '17, 10:23 a.m.

Yes, we're looking at the Watson Analytics integration and have some of the same questions.

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Ernest Mah (611) | answered Jan 16 '17, 8:19 p.m.

Ed, You need to consider what the limit is used to enforce.  We have it smaller as a default for the majority of the use cases where JRS reports are used in dashboards.  There it is expected that you're creating reports that can provide useful information at a glance.  It isn't usual to want a dashboard report that returns thousands and thousands of results.

If this is an extract scenario and Excel is a viable candidate the exported live data Excel spreadsheet has an embedded report query with a limit parameter that you can override to pull even more data.  You may need to increase the JRS Report Builder query timeout if this will be a large number.

If you really do want more results coming back in the Report Builder UI or in dashboards, then increasing that limit does come at the cost of having the Report Builder server trying to create HTML output for all those thousands of records (even while paged).

Jackie, for your WA question, I'm not sure if there is a way to override like in Excel.  You would have to adjust the Report Builder query settings.

ed Neubecker commented Aug 25 '17, 9:28 a.m.

Customers are looking for guidance on the impacts on increasing this query limit from 3000 to tens/hundreds of thousands. If someone were to increase this limit from 3000 to 50,000, should they also increase something on the server so it can handle this type of load more efficiently? What is the math to help clients figure this out?  Another way to look at this is: Is there a limit to the LQE query size that could potentially cause overun in RAM, Heap size, or something else on the server, or is it just "Larger queries will take longer to run".   Without this guidance, it is unclear why large enterprise deployment wouldn't just increase this limit to 200,000-500,000.
This guidance doesn't exist here :

Can you help explain the prescription to figuring out where a limit should be set for an LQE query size and the impacts to the server resources?

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