CCM Application Administration Error: Unscheduled due to errors
We encountered below error in the diagnostics page of CCM Application Administration.
CRJAZ1990E 4 tasks have been unscheduled due to unexpected errors, including the task "". Please check your server logs for details. Once you have addressed the issues, you should restart the server to reschedule this background task.
As a work around we tried to change the JDBC connection pool wait time from 3000 to 6000 as stated in the link below.
But upon changing and saving of the configuration, below error was encountered.
Invalid registry object
Kindly advise on what could be done to solve the CRJAZ1990E error? Is the work around mentioned in the link can be applied to CCM? If not, kindly provide another solution for the diagnostic error CRJAZ1990E.
One answer
The second issue that you encountered has been brought up quite a few times on the forum. Once you work around it, you should be able to resolve the first issue.