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CRJCA0146E The Lifecycle Project Administration (LPA) application could not communicate with the application at the following URL: https://.:9443/qm/friends

Bharath Vamsi Amjuri (8311) | asked Jul 12 '13, 8:32 a.m.
retagged Jul 22 '13, 4:40 p.m. by Ralph Earle (25739)

Hi Friends,

I have installed CALM 4.0.2 on windows 2008 server with WAS and DB2.

While configuring JTS - Finalize Setup - Life Cycle administration project I got the error as below:

CRJCA0146E The Lifecycle Project Administration (LPA) application could not communicate with the application at the following URL: https://<localhost>.<domain>:9443/qm/friends.

Also attaching the screen shot.

If anyone encountered similar kind of issue and please help how to handle this issue .

Thanks in advance.


Bharath Vamsi


One answer

permanent link
Sandy Grewal (1.6k1223) | answered Jul 12 '13, 9:52 a.m.

Hi Bharat,

Is the public URL for your server ?

The URL does not look correct, the Public URL should be a URL that is accessible to all the clients on your network.

localhost in the url is suspicious. Please check the URL used.


Bharath Vamsi Amjuri commented Jul 12 '13, 11:51 a.m.

Hi Sandy,

Thanks a lot for quick response.

The URL in correct and its accessible all our domain.

I have edited URL in screen shot for security reason.

We were able to successfully using setup CALM 4.0.2 using Tomcat & Derby, and access it over domain.

When we configured this over WAS and DB2 encountered this error.


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