Is it possible to edit multiple work items for an attribute that is an enumeration list?
I have a customized work item with an attribute called "Build List". This attribute is an enumeration list. I need to be able to select multiple work items at a time and update them by adding an additional Build List to their values in the Build List attribute. Is there a way to update multiple work items for an attribute that is an enumeration list?
4 answers
If you edit the Column Display of a query that returns the work items that you want to edit so that the attribute is displayed in the query results, you can then select the work items, right-click in the attribute column of the results, and select Change attribute-name to the desired value.
As far as I can see, it is not possible to update an enumeration list attribute of multiple work items in the query result. In the web client, the column that can be multi-updated is designated with a green cross. If you don't see such green cross for a column, it cannot be updated for multiple work items at the same time.