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JRS in the Sandbox

Bruno Di Giandomenico (501124) | asked Mar 16 '16, 7:31 a.m.
I have been trying the new features of the RTC 6.0.1 in the Sandox, prior to installing it in our company and I find this possibility as a great boon.
I would like to understand if it is possible also to try JRS this way, but no Sandobox seems available for that.
Can someone shed some light on this ?
Thanks in advance


Accepted answer

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Mark Guertin (5867) | answered Mar 16 '16, 12:51 p.m.
We do not have JRS installed on any of our sandboxes currently due to technical limitations in the implementation of the sandboxes. We're looking to resolve that in the future, but unfortunately I have no timeline as to when that might happen.
Bruno Di Giandomenico selected this answer as the correct answer

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