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Getting snapshot as incoming change

Ashok Sharma (3211118) | asked Nov 13 '14, 5:53 a.m.
Hi All,
I want to accept changes from say Stream1 to Stream2. So added Stream1 as a flow target of Stream2. Now in pending changes view i am getting change sets delivered to Stream1 as incoming changes. But along with change sets i am getting snapshot (stream1_ss, the stream1 was created from this snapshot) also as incoming change.

I am not able to understand why this is happening. 

Somebody can please explain me.


Ralph Schoon commented Nov 13 '14, 6:43 a.m.

RTC version?

Ashok Sharma commented Nov 13 '14, 7:29 a.m. | edited Nov 13 '14, 8:13 a.m.

its 4.0.3

2 answers

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Martin Wassermann (13864144) | answered Nov 13 '14, 7:32 a.m.
Do you get snapshots or baselines in the pending changes view? If you create a snapshot RTC usually automatically creates baselines with the same name as your snapshot. And baselines follow the flow between streams and repository workspaces. Thus you will see them as incoming or outgoing events.

Ashok Sharma commented Nov 13 '14, 7:56 a.m. | edited Nov 13 '14, 8:03 a.m.

Right Martin, its not Snapshot, its base line but i don't know why this baseline is coming as incoming change.

Could u plz explain me what is the its significance. And what should i do with it.
This base line showing some conflict also with outgoing changes. 

Martin Wassermann commented Nov 13 '14, 8:16 a.m. | edited Nov 13 '14, 8:17 a.m.

If you have two Stream, Stream A and Stream B, and in Stream A you have 3 Change Sets.

If you have a flow target from Stream A to Stream B you will see that three Change Sets as outgoning.

If you now create a snapshot (and thereby a baseline) you will see your baseline as outgoing change (instead of the three changes sets). Therefore a deliver of the baselines, deliver also the containing change sets.

You can also expand the baseline in the pending changes view to see the containing change sets that are not yet in your flow target.

If you create new Change Sets, after the creation of the snapshot, you will still see the baselines, and the change sets you have created after the snapshot.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 13 '14, 8:12 a.m.
I would suggest to look into the library and read about RTC SCM. Start here: there are a host of documents as well:

Baselines are basically configurations of element versions of a component that belong together. They flow like changes. You deliver them after you create them on a repository workspace and you accept them if someone created and delivered them to a stream.

You can flow from one stream to another if, and only if, there are no conflicts. The main usage is to promote a new state f a stream to another (e.g. from TEST to PROD). Typically there is only one direction of flow and thus conflicts can not happen.

If you have conflicts, you have to resolve them using a repository workspace.
The typical flow is to have a workspace W1 based on Stream1. They are in sync. Then you change the flow target to Stream2. You get differences between W1 and Stream2. You accept changes from Stream2 into W1 and merge conflicts if needed. Once done, you can deliver the changes to Stream2. You change the flow target back to Stream1 and can deliver the merged changes back to that. At this point the streams are in sync.

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