How to pipeout the SCM CLI results (eg.listing locks in a stream)?

One answer

Looks like you are not using the regular command shell... probably powershell?
This may work: cmd /c lscm ls locks -r local -s 1109 -m 10 '> file.txt 2'>'&1

I tried your command and other forms of it but it didnt work.. point me where I am going wrong.
Are you sure that out put of SCM CLI can be written to file ?

I am using the regular command shell.

The command I listed out was to be used with the powershell. Piping is nothing to do with scm cli and yes it works.

Vija, if using a regular command shell, simply remove all the single quote sign in the command, so the end of the command looks like: > file.txt 2>&1