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How to delete sprint/iterations from Timelines?

Pravin Patil (104146134) | asked Feb 09 '17, 6:07 p.m.

In project area, under "overview" tab, "Timelines" section, i have:

Main Development [Project Timeline]
    Release 1.0
        Sprint 1
        Sprint 2

In my project we have 10+ teams who want to use agile planning. So they all create there sprints, and close it when done. But I am not seeing the option to delete sprint from the "Timeline". There is a button called "Delete" but it archives and doesn't remove the sprint from timeline. I can still see it there in "Timeline". 
The problem is after 6 months, there will be 100+ sprints and all visible under "Timeline" making it difficult to manage.
Is there a way to remove a sprint completely from Timeline?
Please let me know.

Accepted answer

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Feb 09 '17, 8:42 p.m.

You can only archive an iteration but can not completely delete it. If you do not want to see the archived iteration, you can un-select the "Show Archived" icon in the Timeline section of Overview.

Pravin Patil selected this answer as the correct answer

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