Insight with CLM 5.0
2 answers
Yes, Rational Insight is a separate licensed software application. With CLM 5.0, using Insight would constitute a replacement for using RRDI. RRDI has some COGNOS components such as Query and Report studio.
However, there are differences between the two reporting solutions some of which you noted in your question.
Choosing Insight requires a migration process. Here is some information to get started with the planning.
RRDI and Insight Overview
Upgrading RRDI to Insight
Upgrading reporting artifacts which contains the section below.
Updating ETL and reporting resources for Rational Insight
If you have just upgraded Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence to Rational Insight, you must complete your upgrade by integrating the CLM ETL and reporting artifacts with Rational Insight. For detailed instructions, see Integrating the Collaborative Lifecycle Management ETL and reporting artifacts to Rational Insight
Is there a way to customize RRDI data models? Does RRDI itself have a tool similar to framework manager?
The ability to customize the data model is one of the advantages of Insight (paid solution) over RRDI (free with CLM licenses), so there is no equivalent for RRDI.
You can see how the capabilities of the different reporting solutions are mapped in this page:
Deciding which reporting options to use