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Mixup of different languages at RTC web

Samar Singh (141522) | asked Nov 07 '14, 8:35 a.m.
      I have installed RTC 4.0.4 with the following settings:

The server is installed in French. 
The default language settings is French. 
The default language set at browsers is French. 

Now at my laptop, which has French configured for OS and browsers, the tabs at the Dashboard appear in English and the content underneath is in French.

How can I ensure that I see only French language at the browsers?

- Samar

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Lawrence . (59512) | answered Nov 07 '14, 10:16 a.m.
edited Nov 07 '14, 10:28 a.m.
Hi Samar,

Did you create your project from a French process template as well?
The Dashboard tab names comes from the dashboard template inside the process template.


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