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How to find out the tablespace usage in RTC

Kevin Lou (312125) | asked Dec 09 '13, 12:09 p.m.
edited Dec 09 '13, 12:13 p.m.
 Our CCM tablespace expands 60-100M every day. Originally I thought it is because the baselines created during the build, However it seems that the size of baseline is very small and not noticeable, it must be something else causing the DB expansion. Kryzstof provided a method here to display the table usage. I tried it out but I don't think the "Content size" in the output provides the real tablespace usage. 

ComponentItem TypeItem Count   State Count   Content Size (K)
Impex    ImportRequest           0            0             0
admin    ComponentIndexingTable  0            0             0
         SearchConfiguration     0            0             0
         SearchEngine            0            0             0
         SearchStatistics        1            1             0
migration    ApplicationMigrationStatus             0            0             0
auth     AppCreds 0            0             0
         JAuthToken              240          240           0
build    BuildActivities         129          129           0
         BuildAverageData        31           31            0
         BuildDefinition         31           381           0
         BuildEngine             15           125           0
         BuildEngineActivity     14           14            0
         BuildRequest            129          258           0
         BuildResult             124          550           0
         BuildResultContributions129          129           79264
         BuildSecrets            0            0             0
         CompileContribution     0            0             0
         CompilePackage          0            0             0
         JUnitTestClass          0            0             0
         JUnitTestSuiteContribution             0            0             0
compatibilitypack       URIMapping              399          616           0
dashboardDashboard0            0             0
         DashboardContributorInfo0            0             0
diagnostictests         DiagnosticTestResultItem10           10            52795
discoveryServiceContributionResource            0            0             0
dsdef    DataSetDefinition       0            0             0
enumeration             Enumeration             0            0             0
filesystem              FileItem 1282132      1671037       0
         SymbolicLink            0            0             0
friends  Friend   1            1             0
interop  ExternalProxy           9            334           0
         ExternalRepositoryConnection           0            0             0
         ExternalState           9            325           0
         SyncInfo 0            0             0
         SyncRule 0            0             0
langdef  LanguageDefinition      0            0             0
         MetadataScanner         0            0             0
         Translator              0            0             0
linkClosure             Relation 100          100           0
links    AuditableLink           41784        41784         0
markers  Marker   527          527           0
model    Attachment              122          122           28514
         Attribute1065         1082          0
         Category 67           129           0
         Deliverable             0            0             0
         TimeSheetEntry          1            1             0
         WorkItem 430          1167          0
nucleus  IterationPlanRecord     97           99            0
         SharedPlanMode          0            0             0
opaque   Opaque   0            0             0
plansnapshot            BaselineMember          0            0             0
         EstimateRollUp          0            0             0
         IterationBaselineMember 0            0             0
         PlanSnapshot            0            0             0
         PlanSnapshotType        0            0             0
         ProcessItemBaselineMember              0            0             0
         SizeRollUp              0            0             0
         WorkItemBaselineMember  0            0             0
process  AccessGroup             0            0             0
         DevelopmentLine         22           25            0
         Iteration125          127           0
         IterationType           97           99            0
         ProcessAttachment       1147         1147          30034
         ProcessChangeEventCheck 1            1             0
         ProcessDefinition       8            16            3425
         ProcessDomainDefinition 0            0             0
         ProcessGenericItem      0            0             0
         ProcessProviderCacheItem0            0             0
         ProjectArea             22           707           127510
         ProjectLink             0            0             0
         ReadAccessList          22           22            0
         TeamArea 58           1593          53
query    QueryDescriptor         499          526           0
reports  FolderDescriptor        65           65            0
         ReportDescriptor        682          682           373743
         ReportQueryDescriptor   540          540           0
         StorageNode             0            0             0
repository              AuditableBaseline       0            0             0
         ChangeEvent             5401         5401          0
         ContributorDetails      398          642           1898
         ContributorGroup        0            0             0
         ContributorRecord       400          810           0
         FloatingLicenseLease    0            0             0
         FloatingLicensePolicy   0            0             0
         JPIMapping              0            0             0
         LicenseAssignment       0            0             0
         LicenseKey              0            0             0
         LicenseType             0            0             0
         MappingEvent            0            0             0
         OAuthConsumerRegistration              8            8             0
         RepositoryRoot          1            1             0
         ServerVersionRecord     35           43            0
resource ApplicationStorageArea  2            2             0
         ContributorAbsence      2            2             0
         ContributorResourceDetails             3            6             0
         DefaultTextDescription  0            0             0
         FieldsTextDescription   0            0             0
         IndexDescription        0            0             0
         IndexEntry              0            0             0
         Indexer  0            0             0
         Resource 2            342           50
         WorkResourceDetails     0            0             0
         XMLSchema0            0             0
         XMLTextSchema           0            0             0
scm      Baseline 49626        49640         0
         BaselineSet             2083         2083          0
         ChangeHistory           54255        54255         0
         ChangeSet24134        124520        0
         Component235          374           0
         ComponentEntry          3485         3485          0
         ComponentOwner          235          235           0
         Configuration           48221        48221         0
         ContributorSCMRecord    92           92            0
         Folder   142683       147863        0
         FolderLastModifiedInWorkspaceEntry     0            0             0
         HistoricBasis           146803       146803        0
         Pending  0            0             0
         RepositoryProgressMonitor              0            0             0
         Suspended0            0             0
         Versionable             0            0             0
         Workspace927          927           0
scmi     AutoLoadConnectionInfo  0            0             0
         ProjectToLibraryMap     0            0             0
         WorkspaceI              14           14            0
snapshot BaslineMember           0            0             0
         CriticalPath            0            0             0
         IterationBaselineMember 0            0             0
         PlanSnapshot            0            0             0
         ProcessnBaselineMember  0            0             0
         RollUp   0            0             0
         WorkItemBaselineMember  0            0             0
social   LinkedCommunity         0            0             0
         SocialSiteCredential    0            0             0
supa     ApproveToRemoveEntry    0            0             0
         EngineInfo              0            0             0
         SUPADeliveryEnvelope    0            0             0
         SUPASearchRequest       0            0             0
         SUPASearchStatistic     0            0             0
         SUPAStatusReport        0            0             0
         SUPATermsRequest        0            0             0
svn      SvnRepository           0            0             0
wiki     WikiPage 98           98            0
         WikiPageAttachment      2            2             0

2 answers

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Dec 09 '13, 4:03 p.m.
Hi Kevin,
Can you run the tool tomorrow and compare which artifacts increased the most?
What is the database you are using and how are you checking its size?

What comes to my mind is that there are indexes dramatically increasing. You can try running repotools-ccm -reindex to check if it fixes the issue.

Kevin Lou commented Dec 10 '13, 8:12 a.m. | edited Dec 10 '13, 8:12 a.m.

Hi Krzysztof,

We are using Oracle as the database and I'm checking the space usage from "DB Instance console -> Space summary" and it display the sizes for tables like CCM, CCM_TMP, JTS, etc. The one that increases everyday is CCM. 
Do I need to shut down the server/DB when I run the repotools-ccm -reindex command? 
I will re-run your method later to check what artifacts increased the most. 

Kevin Lou commented Dec 10 '13, 8:14 a.m.

 By the way, our server was upgraded to V4.0 from V3.0.1 about 5 months ago. And it seems that we only have this space issue since the server upgrade - hope this can provide some hints. 

Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk commented Dec 10 '13, 8:28 a.m.

You are not able to run this command when the server is running. You have to stop server first.

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Kevin Lou (312125) | answered Dec 11 '13, 9:24 a.m.
The tablespace grows 129MB between Dec, 10 and 11. 
I compared the IDBTableSizeHttpService reports for Dec, 10 and 11 and here is the difference. Please advice what we should do at this stage since the problem becomes more and more severe. 
====== 2013-12-10/2013-12-11 =======							
                    JAuthToken                349/524          349/524          0/0
build               BuildActivities           128/127          128/127         0/0
                    BuildRequest              128/127          256/254         0/0
                    BuildResult               124/127          550/562         0/0
                    BuildResultContributions  128/127          128/127         79261/79273
diagnostictests     DiagnosticTestResultItem  10/10            10/10           53057/53367
filesystem          FileItem                  1282167/1284755  1671551/1674390 0/0
linkClosure         Relation                  100/102          100/102         0/0
links               AuditableLink             41786/41791      41786/41791     0/0
markers             Marker                    529/535          529/535         0/0
model               Attachment                122/123          122/123         28514/28528
                    WorkItem                  430/431          1167/1172       0/0
                    TeamArea                  58/58            1595/1600       53/53
                    ChangeEvent               5712/6086        5712/6086       0/0
                    Resource                  2/2              346/350         50/51
scm                 Baseline                  49743/49883      49757/49897     0/0
                    BaselineSet               1708/1717        1708/1717       0/0
                    ChangeHistory             54215/54415      54215/54415     0/0
                    ChangeSet                 24207/24296      124852/125269   0/0
                    Component                 236/241          375/380         0/0
                    ComponentEntry            3321/3370        3321/3370       0/0
                    ComponentOwner            236/241          236/241         0/0
                    Configuration             48173/48353      48173/48353     0/0
                    Folder                    142690/142999    147871/148180   0/0
                    HistoricBasis             147096/147540    147096/147540   0/0
                    RepositoryProgressMonitor 1 /0             1/0             0/0
                    Workspace                 874/879          874/879         0/0

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