RQM: Converting XML of Testscript to Excel format
One answer
Hi Rajesh,
Firstly did you mean exporting TestCase or TestScript? If it was TestCase then goto Browse->TestCases else goto Browse->TestScripts, select the testcases or testscripts respectively which you want to export. Click on Download as Spreadsheet icon. This will give you csv file which you can directly open in Excel. But there is no way to get the Actual and Expected results Column in both cases
Firstly did you mean exporting TestCase or TestScript? If it was TestCase then goto Browse->TestCases else goto Browse->TestScripts, select the testcases or testscripts respectively which you want to export. Click on Download as Spreadsheet icon. This will give you csv file which you can directly open in Excel. But there is no way to get the Actual and Expected results Column in both cases