Error 500: Required service not available when registering ccm application
We installed CLM 5.0.1 over ORACLE and WAS 8.5 (windows). We managed to define the DB and configure WAS. We defined the user ADMIN in WAS.
When we ran setup we managed to register rm, qm, admin but NOT ccm.
We received the following error :
Error 500: Required service (IInternalOAuthConsumerRegistrationService) not available
How can I over come the issue ?
One answer
Look for the errors in the log files, especially ccm.log and systemout.log.
1. In this case, here is the error message seen in the ccm.log file:
2014-10-06 12:21:33,684 [WebContainer : 5 @@ 12:21 ADMIN /ccm/scr]
WARN - [b277196d.3]
CRJAZ1183W Authenticated user "ADMIN" does not exist in the repository.
The user may need to be imported into the repository. Note that login
is case-sensitive.
2014-10-06 12:21:33,964 [WebContainer : 0 @@ 12:21 <unauthenticated>
nHandlerService] ERROR
.service.internal.setup.RegistrationHandlerService - Error handling
registration request null
2. Here is the error message in the systemout.log file for websphere:
[12:20:14:794 IST 06/10/14] 00000101 WebCollaborat A SECJ0129E:
Authorization failed for user ADMIN:defaultWIMFileBasedRealm while
invoking GET on default_host:/ccm/authenticated/identity, Authorization
failed, Not granted any of the required roles: JazzUsers JazzAdmins
JazzGuests JazzDWAdmins JazzProjectAdmins
[12:21:26:242 IST 06/10/14] 00000101 WebCollaborat A SECJ0129E:
Authorization failed for user ADMIN:defaultWIMFileBasedRealm while
invoking GET on default_host:/ccm/authenticated/identity, Authorization
failed, Not granted any of the required roles: JazzUsers JazzAdmins
JazzGuests JazzDWAdmins JazzProjectAdmins
Based on this, the mapping for the ADMIN user to a jazz role was not done in WAS.
ADMIN user should be granted the administrative roles by mapping this user to a particular security roles:
JazzAdmins, JazzDWAdmins and JazzProjectAdmins.
After mapping the ADMIN user to a security role and restarting the ccm_war application, CCM application registration continued just fine.