Why are we getting license issues for server1.domain.com on server2.domain.com ? How do we fix this ?

Any ideas why are we getting the error below on server2.torolab.ibm.com.
2013-05-11 09:17:57,040 [ WebContainer : 35] WARN com.ibm.team.repository - CRJAZ0942I The license key located at "jazz-content://_N-K38FioEeCDe4SgavQf3w" could not be processed. Examine the nested exception for the cause of the failure. com.ibm.team.repository.common.TeamRepositoryException: Invalid license key: CRJAZ1639E The hostname of the machine "server2.domain.com" does not match the hostname of the policy "server1.domain.com"
From the error above, it seems to be indicating that we have a license key for server1.domain.com that is installed on server2.domain.com. How do we confirm this ? How do we fix this ?
One answer

Hi Jeff,
Found this defect on jazz.net. Not sure if this applies to your case.
Term Licenses will not work with fully qualified hostname (137636)