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What to look for w/very slow loading of TER ?

Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | asked Oct 02 '14, 9:54 a.m.

Have a QM server ( 4.0.7 ) under WebSphere ( AIX 6.1.8 ) all 64 bit. 

No project modifications in the project history since Aug 16, 2014 which was done by something in the upgrade from 4.0.5 to 4.0.7

For one project, bringing up a TER or TSER sometimes takes 2 minutes.   Looking in Firebug or other inspection tools, the blocking seems to happen on a GET for: 

Just getting that with RESTClient add-on takes ~2-3 minutes.   In the Web Developer / Network when looking at the Response section, it complains of bad json at column 1187564.

The XML from RESTClient appears to be complete.

Neither DB2 nor WAS appear to be straining during this wait to receive response to the above GET.
Any suggestions ?

Accepted answer

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David Mehaffy (90123338) | answered Oct 02 '14, 10:11 a.m.
We saw a similar thing in 5.0.  You might want to look at
The problem was introduced I believe in 4.0.6.  You should contact support and get a test fix for this and see if this alleviates your problem.  Then get it into a iFix on 4.0.7 - it is currently scheduled into 5.0 iFix05 but I don't know if it has been made available as an iFix in the 4.0.7 stream.
Kevin Ramer selected this answer as the correct answer

Kevin Ramer commented Oct 02 '14, 10:21 a.m.

I think that's the stuff.   The project in question has 10 items in the 1st pane of Test Plan Environment Types. The one for which TERs load only 3 or 4.

I will open a PMR to request hotfix.

Kevin Ramer commented Oct 02 '14, 11:57 a.m.

Ok, it turns out the issues that were raised that led to this inquiry were due to RTC custom  work item types unfortunately named Execution Records.  Somone was editing that projects configuration and broke some of the presentations. 

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