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Default ADMIN/ADMIN not working in Jazz Team Server Setup ?

Tanmay Shirnalkar (1531319) | asked Sep 11 '14, 1:09 a.m.
I have installed CLM 5.0.1 on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2.

After installation, when I proceed to setup of jazz team server, the default username and password ADMIN/ADMIN is not working. It's showing invalid userid/password error.

Sometimes in server's console, there is message : 'An attempt was made to authenticate ADMIN'.

I tried with different version of CLM say 4.0.5 but still the same problem in login using ADMIN.

As this is first setup for configuring jazz team server, I don't know how to proceed further as I am not able login.

Does this is due to LDAP ? or Windows server R2?

Please help.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Sep 11 '14, 2:24 a.m.
In the very first login in setup. ADMIN/ADMIN should work. If you switch to LDAP, you are supposed to provide a user that is correctly set up in LDAP and can actually login, after you set the LDAP properties right. In the step of creating a new user, the account ADMIN is disabled in the repository, unless you uncheck the specific check box. Afterwards ADMIN does not work anymore. Try a test install on a test server and closely follow it.

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