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SQL Server 2008 and 2012 Compatibility

Nicolás Rodríguez (3142325) | asked May 26 '15, 9:12 a.m.
Hi Everyone, I have the scenario on a client that has already JTS/RTC/RRC and Dataware-house 4.0.6 in SQL Server 2008, now they want to add RQM but at the time they are only installing SQL Server 2012, is there any problem with this configuration? Tks for your help.


Accepted answer

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Shawn Maclaga (1963) | answered May 26 '15, 9:34 a.m.
According to the CLM System Requirements, SQL Server 2012 is not supported with 4.0.6.

The IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports provides detailed information on supported configurations in a variety of views:

Nicolás Rodríguez selected this answer as the correct answer

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