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RTC 4 and Lotus Notes V 9.0 embedded Sametime Integration

Does anyone know how to integrate Notes embedded SameTime V9 with RTC?
I've followed the instructions for installing RTC support into Notes, but RTC can not connect to ST. gets the error
Problems occurred while connecting to collaboration services.
Could not connect to client. See the Problem Determination Guide for more information about problem determination for situations.
One answer

I closely followed the instructions and it works for me. The message you get, I got when I failed to edit the C:\notes\framework\rcp\plugin_customization.ini to set com.ibm.collaboration.realtime/startBroker to true
I closely followed the instructions and it works for me. The message you get, I got when I failed to edit the C:\notes\framework\rcp\plugin_customization.ini to set com.ibm.collaboration.realtime/startBroker to true

Sorry I did not provide some information.
I am running notes and RTC on linux.

There is also another similar question. It is available on https://jazz.net/forum/questions/165640/problem-with-integrating-sametime-with-rtc