RQM, how to configure "Require Defects before Failed Results Reviewed" in the "Save Test Case Result" preconditions?

Hi all,
in the preconditions and follow-up actions configuration page in RQM there are a few preconditions available for "Save Test Case Result (server). Among them one called "Require Defects before Failed Results Reviewed"
I understand this precondition should satisfy the following use case:
- user with non-admin role logs in the tool
- user selects a Test Execution Record and executes the manual test steps
- at least one step is marked as failed
- the user does not add or create a defect to report the failure
- the user finishes executing the manual steps and clicks on "Show Result"
- The tool prevents the user from opening / saving the result without associating a defect to it while the state is failed.
First question: is this the real intention of this process helper?
Second question: if so, what needs to be done to make it work?
in the preconditions and follow-up actions configuration page in RQM there are a few preconditions available for "Save Test Case Result (server). Among them one called "Require Defects before Failed Results Reviewed"
I understand this precondition should satisfy the following use case:
- user with non-admin role logs in the tool
- user selects a Test Execution Record and executes the manual test steps
- at least one step is marked as failed
- the user does not add or create a defect to report the failure
- the user finishes executing the manual steps and clicks on "Show Result"
- The tool prevents the user from opening / saving the result without associating a defect to it while the state is failed.
First question: is this the real intention of this process helper?
Second question: if so, what needs to be done to make it work?
So far I have configured the precondition in the process configuration, have tried to make it work in different ways and I can always complete the manual test execution with at least one failed step and no defect. Which should not be allowed when this restriction is active.Thanks in advance,
This is a very common requirement by customers to enforce completeness in the test results documentation.
One answer

Hi Ruben,
The precondition "Require Defects before Failed Results Reviewed" applies only when you are changing state of the test case result to "review". If there is no defect created for a failed result, the precondition kicks in when you try to Review the result.
I couldn't find any existing Enhancement request for the exact use case you are looking for. You can create a new one requesting the feature.