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Which is the best way to implement automated tests for web services?

Oliver Steinbrecher (15156) | asked Jul 01 '13, 4:06 a.m.
Hey Guys,

i am evaluating the best ways to integrate test automation for web services within the jazz environment. In the past i used SOAP-UI to realize web service tests but the integration of this tool into rtc and rqm does not seems to be very good regarding test execution and reporting. What is the best way for performing automated web service tests using the jazz plattform?

Kind Regards

Accepted answer

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Sunil Kumar R (1.1k13344) | answered Jul 01 '13, 4:24 a.m.
 Hi Oliver, 
One of the ways to address your requirement is to use RPT - RQM (CLM) integration..

RPT is a performance testing tool, which contains an extension which can be used to test SOA based web services,

RPT can be integrated with RQM using a built-in adapter available with RPT.
More details on the integration are available as detailed in the topic under help :

Once the integration is established, you could import the RPT scripts into RQM and execute them through RQM's web UI,
ofcourse the reports are available also in RQM UI for the playback.

A more detailed document on the integration is at :

I hope this helps!
Best Regards, Sunil
Oliver Steinbrecher selected this answer as the correct answer

Oliver Steinbrecher commented Jul 03 '13, 7:30 a.m.

Hello Sunil,
thanks for your fast and informative response!! This helps me a lot to implement my test cases.
Best Regards


One other answer

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Rene Meyer (42913334) | answered Jul 03 '13, 12:40 p.m.
Hello Oliver,

RPT offers some capabilities for testing Webservices but I would recommend to look on IBM Rational Test Workbench which contains Rational Integration Tester (RIT) and Rational Performance Tester and other Tools as well.
RIT can record a lot of protocols and middle ware technologies which can be used to create tests and stubs for services. RIT tests can be integrated with RQM:
The advantage of RIT lies in simplicity to deal with many kind of services and to create complex test and test virtualization scenarios without programming.
Example for MQ:

If you have experience with SoapUI it is very easy to learn Rational Integration Tester in Rational Test Workbench for SOA Testing.

Best Regards,

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