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How to access RQM Environment Variables inside Rational Robot VB script

jean-claude vauthier (22634957) | asked Jun 18 '13, 5:42 a.m.
       How to access RQM Environment Variables inside Rational Robot VB script ?

        It is probably not the right forum to ask this question (sorry for that), but I don't know where to find this information.

         I have found this :

To use the Rational Quality Manager Options feature in Rational Robot, copy the RQMOption.dll file from the <Rational Test>\<RQMAdapter>\<lib> directory to the <Robot Project Folder>\TestAssets\Scripts\dll directory.

         But I have not found the SQA API to use in order to read the RQM variables



Accepted answer

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Ananth Hari (26) | answered Jun 18 '13, 8:36 p.m.
Robot 7039 supports RQM Execution variables.
As you mentioned  following steps to done.
To use the Rational Quality Manager Options feature in Rational Robot, copy the RQMOption.dll file from the <rational Test="">\<rqmadapter>\<lib> directory to the <robot Project="" Folder="">\TestAssets\Scripts\dll directory.

Also there is a sample Robot script TestOption.Rec available in <Rational Test>\RQMAdapter\lib folder which explains how to extract the RQM execution variables value and use it in Robot.

We are working on providing some enhancement to this existing way of extracting RQM Execution variable in Robot 7039-iFix03 to be released in July. This contains another dll called RQMOptionVB.dll which will be pre-registered  so no need to copy the dll to project folder.  And the user needs to use  new way of extracting  execution variable for which TestOptionVB.rec sample robot script will be available in <Rational Test>\RQMAdapter\lib folder. This will be available in Robot 7039-iFix03 to be released in July 2013.
jean-claude vauthier selected this answer as the correct answer

jean-claude vauthier commented Jun 19 '13, 3:07 a.m.

Thanks a lot Hari

I will have a look to the information provided in this folder. 

3 other answers

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jun 18 '13, 3:23 p.m.
Hi Jean-Claude,

Do you mean RQM execution variables?  RQM does not support environment variables and there is no API to GET RQM execution variables.

Since the Rational Quality Manager Options feature in Rational Robot is owned by the Rational Robot Team, I have asked someone from that Team to reply.

jean-claude vauthier commented Jun 19 '13, 3:03 a.m.

Oops sorry, I just mean RQM script variables (you can put what information you want in these variables including test environment information).

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jean-claude vauthier (22634957) | answered Jul 09 '13, 4:59 p.m.
Also there is a sample Robot script TestOption.Rec available in <rational Test="">\RQMAdapter\lib folder which explains how to extract the RQM execution variables value and use it in Robot.

Hum I can't see any file TestOption.Rec in this folder.... only .jar and dll files.  And when I do a search at the root directory "RQMAdapter"... no result.  

Could you send me this file by e-mail ?



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Ananth Hari (26) | answered Jul 09 '13, 5:50 p.m.
The exact path for RQMAdapter folder is given below. It might vary depending on the Robot Install directory you have chosen.

C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\RationalSDLC\Rational Test\RQMAdapter\lib

In the above folder there is a notepadoptiontest.rec sample Robot script file available which explains how to use RQM Execution variables inside Robot.

Please provide me your email id if you like to get that  file through email as attachment.

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