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ZImport speed

We're installing RTC with DB2 UDB to manage the COPYs, JCL and COBOL sources in a traditional COBOL-CICS-DB2 for Z environment.
Our import process spend between 3 minutes to 10 minutes per object.
The Job in JES uses between 50% to 70% of 335 MIPS in our Develop LPAR.
We have no Ziip processor.
Is it a normal elapsed time for import process?
Where is usually the bigest cost of import process? DB2 UDB? Unix Services in Z?
Thank you.
Our import process spend between 3 minutes to 10 minutes per object.
The Job in JES uses between 50% to 70% of 335 MIPS in our Develop LPAR.
We have no Ziip processor.
Is it a normal elapsed time for import process?
Where is usually the bigest cost of import process? DB2 UDB? Unix Services in Z?
Thank you.
2 answers

Could you tell us which version of RTC you are using?
During the zimport, is it during the uploading of each member that the time spend is long or during the first steps of the zimport (that is during the scan of the PDS declared in the mapping file, the creation of the DatasetDefinitions, zFolder, ...)?
Could you also indicate the average size of the members and how many members you import?
But in all case, 3 - 10 mn per object it is really "too much"!

Thank you Pascal.
We found the problem. We made a lot of things with each member in import time, and the process started one new JVM instance for each member in our USS.
Now we import all members in one zimport execution and one JVM instance and we put the other parameters in another process.
Thank you again.
We found the problem. We made a lot of things with each member in import time, and the process started one new JVM instance for each member in our USS.
Now we import all members in one zimport execution and one JVM instance and we put the other parameters in another process.
Thank you again.