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RTC SDK zip's are invalid for 4.0 and on windows 7

2 answers


I wish the website would tell you this. I used jar xvf, and yes it does work... grrrr

What the website really needs is a newbie person who tries to follow the instructions on the website, click on various links and tries to do various things, and based on that newbie's failures, update the website.

Please feel free to suggest this improvement here.

Unfortunately Windows in general has issues with long path names for ages now and it does not seem to get better. Windows is the only OS I have seen these issues with. I gave up using the built in Zip on windows long time ago. 7Zip is the better choice.
If you develop using the SDK, you also want to make sure to pick a folder that is reasonably close to the root, since the long path names of the plugins/features can cause Windows to choke on deleting the files - because of a path length bigger than what Windows assumes as normal.
Finally, you want to avoid to install Jazz Servers into "Program Files" because the folder is virtualized and removes permissions to create files and folders unless you explicitly run "As Administrator". This effect is caused by safety measures Windows imposes to reduce risk.

And be aware if you want to use the repository files that ship with the RTC extensions workshop you have to use exactly the version that it is based upon. You can use the SDK setup procedure with other versions however. I am just using it with 4.0.1 and it works well enough for me.

Thx for the links! I do wish though that I wouldn't have to google around or have to complain and bug everyone here so y'all could respond with a 'RTM'!! thank you!

Hopefully most of the responses you get are of the form "RTPOTM" (read this page of the manual" ... I agree that a simple "RTM" would not be of much use (:-).