Rename or Move CLM Installation?

One answer

Yes - you should be able to move it with a couple of caveats.
1) you will have problems deleting it from Installation Manager in the future - you can resolve that by make a symbolic link from the user's home directory to the moved to location when you are ready to install that version after an upgrade.
2) You will need to update the file if you have absolute paths for the indices to be to the new locations.
Other than that I think it is pretty safe to move. Just as an aside we install CLM into a directory that is specific to a release and then use a symbolic link to the generic directory and change the link on each upgrade. For example we install CLM(4.0.2) to /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer_4.0.2 and then create a symbolic link /opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer that points to that directory.
By the way the statements above are assuming a Tomcat application server - there may be other things that are required to change if you are using WebSphere as the application server

David -- thanks for the answer; this helps a lot
We are using WebSphere as the application server. Do you (or anyone reading) have any idea what other WAS changes we should be looking for?
Also, in caveat 1 above, would we need to create a symbolic line when ready to un-install the previous version after an upgrade?
Thanks again for your help!

There are some properties in the WAS console which point to the installation directory which need to be changed.