IBM lab recommendation to include 15k-18k workitems in a plan in CLM4.0.6!
Till RTC-,we had IBM lab recommendation not to include work items more than 2048 beyond which shows decreased performance in the web client as well as eclipse client.
For CLM4.x (CLM4.0.6), I couldn't find any similar IBM lab recommendation which limits the users to add work items in a plan beyond which it will throw errors/warnings.
Do you have any recommendations or any documentation which explains the limits for work items in plans.
Please suggest.
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Accepted answer
Hi Geoff, Sam
Appreciate your replies.
RTC3.x onwards, the limit restriction was removed. I can understand that there could be variations with different topology, user load and system requirements. With releases CLM4.x and onwards, performance has been better.
Are you aware of any load sharing report or charts for limit of WI in plans or recommendation documented which makes me understand the figures(numbers) beyond which i should not include work items in plans?
I am not aware of a report/chart with this information for a given release, but if I find one, I'll make sure to post its location. Unless someone posts one soon, it would be worth submitting an enhancement request, asking for this information to be gathered and posted.
2 other answers
Just came across :
which has test results for plans containing different quantity of work items ranging from 333 to 9644.
Documented here is the Response time results comparing and 4.0.3 using three browsers to access these plans with varied work item counts.
hope it helps.
best recommendation we got as no more than 200 workitems per plan. performance falls off greatly over this limit.
there were huge changes in the 4.x version compared to before.. and was significantly better, but performance still wasn't acceptable to my users. ( all of them using RTC via WAN connections from remote offices)
I don't think there are any physical limits, but they will be unmanageable once you get over 500 in my experience.
Hi Sam
thanks for the reply.
I had a similar understanding to number of workitems in plans however, please see the below sizing guide for RTC2.0:
Abstract from the guide:
Plans: You can have as many plans as needed in the repository and they can also be deleted. However, a plan can only contain 2048 work items.
I am still not clear on the maximum value. Do we have any document or the sizing guide for CLM4.0.6?
I understand.. but at V2 I would say no-one really knew. we started with and it was bad.. V3 wasn't better.. V4 was better when we tested.. the team I was on was outsourced before 4.0 was installed in production.
the protocol for plans is very chatty (lots of smallish messages). for us the remote locations made for erratic performance because of phone line capacity issues..
sometimes a plan open would take 30 seconds, and sometimes 5 minutes.
(at ~400 workitems)