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LIcense Error: Build Forge license key is corrupt or missing.

Antonio Carlos Lacerda Dias (3211014) | asked Jul 18 '14, 8:37 a.m.
edited Jul 18 '14, 8:40 a.m.
After installed Build Forge I access console and encounter this error when access build forge console.
Settings about license server are correct.

I don't know what to do.

In the SystemOut.log show this error:

000000ec RclLicensePro W   Could not connect to RCL server.
LicenseServer W   Project is not licensed: Build Forge license key is corrupt or missing.

The buildForge version is

4 answers

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Ryan Ruscett (1.0k413) | answered Jul 18 '14, 9:22 a.m.
 Hello, You need to make sure you have a licenses for the users as well as licenses for the BF Engine. I would open a ticket with licensing support to ensure that you have the correct licenses. 

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Juan Mijares (211) | answered Feb 27 '15, 12:44 p.m.
Hi Antonio, did you find the solution? Im facing similar behavior

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Ryan Ruscett (1.0k413) | answered Feb 27 '15, 1:23 p.m.
The steps to solving this issue are as follows.

When you install build forge you enter a license server. If you didn't or put in the wrong value. You can go to the


There is the value of your license server.  I would re-enter your license server there. as server@port

No need to restart BF after that. It should pick it up. You can do a refresh and the page should remove the red text at the top notifying you the license server is not there/available etc...

If that does not solve the issue. Than you may not have a BF license on the license server. Then you would go to the License server and double check the port and double check the hostname and that you have a BF license. 

Ryan Ruscett commented Feb 27 '15, 1:24 p.m.

 Oh and yes BF should start even though there is no license server. It will just start with the red text saying it's corrupted missing or whatever. Just go to the location I said in the UI and enter the license server.

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Juan Mijares (211) | answered Feb 27 '15, 1:41 p.m.
Thanks a lot Ryan, I did what you suggested with no luck so far, the interesting part is that the problematic bf server is running v8.0.0.1 and there are some other bf servers running v7.1.3.3 pointing to the same License Server  that are not facing the issue: "Build Forge license key is corrupt or missing.".

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