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Build Forge Threads Suddenly Stopped Working

Randall Beck (22413) | asked Aug 04 '14, 2:38 p.m.

Every Saturday night I stop my production Build Forge Management Console so I can do a full, off-line, DB2 backup. After the backup is complete, I restart DB2 followed by restarting the BFMC.

This has worked fine for years. Until this morning.

Today, I received an urgent ping from one of my internal customers who noticed that their threaded steps are no longer running in parallel.  They are running sequentially; step (n+1) starting only after step (n) completes.

I created a simple BF project, because I could not believe this was a systemic problem.  To my surprise, my test project -- with six threaded "echo" steps followed by a join -- ran sequentially as well, i.e., no threading.

Can anyone suggest a possible starting point for troubleshooting this?


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