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Hosting RM Extensions on WebSphere

Robert Truban (33811) | asked Jul 16 '14, 11:15 a.m.
I have been reading the RM Extensions WIKI and I am anxious to take advantage of this power capability.  We primarily use WebSphere in our Jazz Environments.  Can anyone point me to directions or information about hosting RM extensions on WebSphere?

Thanks in advance!


Donald Nong commented Jul 16 '14, 8:21 p.m.

As far as I know, the RM extension contains only static resource, such as css, javascript and XML files, so you don't need to host it on an application server, such as Tomcat or WAS. You can simply host it on a web application server, such as Apache. If fact, the "creating a setup for production" section of the Wiki explains how to host it on an Apache server, for which you can use IBM HTTP Server instead I believe.

Robert Truban commented Jul 16 '14, 9:56 p.m.


Thank you for responding!

I followed the directions for using TomCat and that worked fine on a 4.0.6 Jazz I have setup that uses TomCat..  I also saw the directions for using Apache but I would like to avoid setting up Apache and just use the WAS instance I already have running on my production system.  

I tried creating an 'extensions' folder in WAS (4.0.6 Jazz) under the WebApps folder on JTS/RM, but that didn't work.

So leads me back to my original question: Is it possible to use WAS that is setup for Jazz 4.0.6 and if so what are the steps?



2 answers

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Dominic Tulley (38114) | answered Oct 21 '14, 9:44 a.m.
Hi Rob,
sorry for the slow response - I just stumbled across this post.
There is now some documentation on how to host extensions in WAS which you can try:

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Kanagasabapathi R (17314) | answered May 03 '16, 8:42 a.m.

Even i have the same scenario, we dont have web application server (like Apache..) we use websphere instance.

Can anyone explain steps how to host Widgetcatalog in websphere for more than one RM extensions  ?

Dominic Tulley commented May 03 '16, 9:05 a.m.

The steps for hosting web extensions in WAS (as linked to in a previous answer) should be fairly readily adapted to hosting a catalog.
If you think of those steps as a way to host a jar of a directory containing extensions then you can do the same thing with a jar containing the catalog definition information as well as the extensions and it should work much as described.

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