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Deliver between 2 streams

5 answers

1 I have a workspace (release workspace) with flow target to develop,
accept all changes, then change flow target to release and deliver
or you can have the release stream flow target to this workspace
you can choose which changes to accept/deliver
2. no workspace. the release stream has a flow target of the develop stream
changes made to develop will appear as pending changes to release.
so you accept those changes at the release stream.


a flow target is the linkage between two containers (workspace or stream)
right click on a stream or workspace, select Open
scroll down to the Flow Targets section (bottom of page)
this is the list of sources/destinations changes will/can flow from/to this workspace/stream. this is where the pending changes view in Eclipse
gets its information from.
you can modify this table (sometimes there is a right click action on some operations to do this) at any time.. accept from one source (develop), then deliver to another (release).
this article may help with some of the topics u are asking about

You may want to read up on some of the library content to familiarize yourself with RTC SCM terminology.

in the 2 solutions I must create release workspace.

option 2 uses no workspace between streams

- Right click on the stream1 and open it.
- Scroll down till you see Flow Target option.
- Add stream2 in it and Save the changes.

I make change in stream1 and deliver it and the changes not Inserted to outgoing change of stream 2?

Does stream 1 have Stream 2 as a flow target? did you request to see the pending changes got stream 1 and stream 2? right click on stream , show -> pending changes

Yes ,In stream1 have Stream 2 as a flow target.
After I deliver in stream1 I am expected to see the change set
in outgoing change in pendeing change panel of stream 2.
Can you have any idea why i dont see the change set ?

pending changes is a single view of everything.. so it sounds like you have not done
stream 2 -> show ->pending changes
because these would be incoming changes to stream 2..

I see the Stream 2 in the pending changes ,
but I do'nt receive any change set that deliver by Stream 1
Do you have any idea why ?

does stream 2 have stream 1 as a flow target?

Can you paste a screenshot of flow targets of both the streams.

And after I do the following step
- Right click on the stream1 and open it.
- Scroll down till you see Flow Target option.
- Add stream2 in it and Save the changes.
- I deliver a change set in Stram1
- I am go to TeamArtifact -->Source Control-->Stream2-->Track in Pending Change.
And the change set doesn't appear in outgoing of Stream2
Do you have any idea?

it would be Incoming for Stream 2..
Outgoing for Stream 1.
- I deliver a change set in Stram1
I deliver a change set TO Stream1
from some repository workspace, right?

I don't understand
I am deliver the change set to Stream 1.
and I am expected to recieve the change set in Stream 2 in outgoing ?
am I missed something?

you have two containers for changes
A and B
you put a change in bucket A.
if A and B are connected, and you want them to be in synch, you must take some manual actions..
from A, there are changes that need to go to bucket B (these are OUTGOING from bucket A's perspective). AND they are INCOMING from bucket B's perspective.
you can DELIVER from A to B (from A), or ACCEPT from A into B (from B).
If A knows about B, then there would be pending changes OUTGOING.
if B does NOT know about A, then there would NOT be 'INCOMING' changes.
Consider a company shipping u a package.. THEY know its coming to u today.. but YOU do not know.
far as I know, there s no AUTOMATIC deliver or accept between containers.
sam detweiler
Jul 14 '14, 8:37 a.m.can u give us a little more info on what you are trying to accomplish?
Oren Tabib
Jul 14 '14, 8:37 a.m.I have 2 streams