How can I checkin multiple changesets to a single file associating to different work items?
As a developer I have checked in changes to and associated with work item #101. This changeset has not yet been delivered as I have another member of the team conducting a peer review. During this time I have made additional changes to, and would like to associate them with work item #202.
It appears that my current single repository workspace workflow does not give me the ability to complete the second checkin.
Can you please advise a workflow that would support this scenario?
Accepted answer
1. Change file and save.
2. Right click unresolved
3. Check-in> New change set
4. Once its in Outgoing > Right click > Associate Work item
5. Right Click again on the outgoing change set and select Complete.
6. Change file again and save.
6. Change file again and save.
7. Right click unresolved
8. Check-in> New change set
9. once its in Outgoing > Right click > Associate Work item
10. Right Click again on the outgoing change set and select Complete.
One other answer
For additional information about what it means to mark a change set complete, see Completing change sets.