Team area heirachy
It is possible to arrange the different different teams.
Also a team area can have its own time line.
But when we create team area heirarchy like Project area x-> Team Area 1-> Team area 11,
for team area 11 I can no more set different timeline.
Is that intended? or is some settings missing..
Accepted answer
2 other answers
Team areas inherit the process and timeline of their parent, which can be the project area or a parent team area. They can customize the aspects of the process and when allowed, override all or portions of it.
Check this IBM infocenter URL:
Let me know if this helps.
You can designate one of your timelines as the project timeline. All of the predefined process templates except for the Unconfigured Process template specify a project timeline. The project timeline defines the project area start and end dates along with the iteration breakdown of those dates. The project timeline differs from your other timelines in the following ways:
- The project timeline iterations apply to the project area. This means that if the project timeline process is customized for the current iteration, that customized process affects any artifacts associated with the project area.
- All team areas that do not have an explicit custom timeline set are governed by the process of the project timeline.
That is correct ... it is by intention. But I must admit that I've never found out what the motivation for that intention was. If someone can explain that, it would be interesting to know.
1 vote
Thanks for the answers.
This means, ideally we cannot use the team area heirarchichal arrangements more than one level.
My need is to group set of teams in one common big team (just for heirarchichy) and the other set in another umberlla. There the real team is in the third level in the heirarchy, and there I like to set a seperate time line!.