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can I install RQM v4.0 with RTC 3.0?

marly kamioji (122) | asked Jun 30 '14, 5:11 p.m.
I have RTC v3.0 installed in my machine and I'd like to know if I can install RQM v4.0 without upgrading RTC to v4.0. Or rather, can I use RQM V4.0 together with RTC v3.0?

3 answers

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Sameer Rajan (162) | answered Jul 01 '14, 12:56 a.m.


JTS needs to be at same or higher version than the applications registered under the jts/admin page.

marly kamioji commented Jul 01 '14, 10:44 a.m.

Hi Sameer. I liked your answer but I can't vote. After my third question I'll be able to. Thanks a lot. 

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Rohit Balduwa (945511) | answered Jun 30 '14, 11:39 p.m.
Hi Marly

Please see the Client and Server compatability in the below URL:

Jazz Team Server must be at the same level as or newer than the applications that are registered with it, but the applications cannot have a newer version than Jazz Team Server.

Under a common JTSv4.0, you can have RQM4.0 and RTC3.0.

Let me know if this helps.


marly kamioji commented Jul 01 '14, 10:43 a.m.

Thanks Rohit for your quick answer. It helped. I can't vote to any answers yet because this was my first question in this forum

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Jul 01 '14, 8:34 a.m.
As mentioned, JTS must be at the highest version, but what went unmentioned is that if ALL CLM applications are hosted by same J2EE server (e.g. a single WAS Profile or Tomcat), all must be at the same version.  Having the apps distributed amongst j2ee server is ok.

marly kamioji commented Jul 01 '14, 10:41 a.m.

Thanks Kevin.  I know that the server for RTC is igartc01 and for RQM is igarqm01, so that might mean they are hosted on the same server.

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