Saving a Test Script in Browse page removes all the Test Steps available for that particular Test Script.
Issue 1:
I. Browse a Test Script. (Construction > Browse > Test Script)
II. Change a value in any of the columns for that Test Script or get into edit mode using ‘Edit Test Script’ and Save the Test Script using ‘Save Changes’ button (or Clicking anywhere in the page which gets the item saved – Issue 2)
III. Open the Test Script and notice all the Test Steps are removed.
Issue 2:
1. After any editing done in the Browse page for Test Scripts or Test Cases, the changes are getting saved by clicking anywhere in the page instead of clicking ‘Save Changes’ button in that particular Test Script or Test Case’s option.
Steps to reproduce:
I. Browse a Test Script or Test Case.
II. Change a value in any of the columns for that Test Script or get into edit mode using ‘Edit Test Script’ and Click anywhere in the page instead of selecting ‘Save Changes’ button.
III. The Item gets saved.
A User may decide not to save the item after selecting a different value. I believe that is why an option is given to save using ‘Save Changes’ button. Please share your comments.