RQM Review Request email Notification has invalid link to review
We are currently using CLM V6.0.0. A test manager created a test suite and added me as a reviewer. I received the request (Test Suite review), but when I clicked on the link (Web UI), it displays ...
I looked at the Mail Templates within the RQM project area. When I tried to test the template, it did show the preview, however, an error was indicated... Method getLinks() threw InternalRepositoryException: Attempt to fetch config aware type with no configuration set.
I suspect this is causing this issue? Can someone point me in the right direction?
Jim Mislay
One answer
I believe you are encountering the following defect
Defect 393703 QM email approval notification formatting artifacts URL's incorrectly
Defect 393703 QM email approval notification formatting artifacts URL's incorrectly