Is there a way to bulk download PDF's from a comprehensive print of a test plan?
We have about 1500 test cases tied to the test plan and when I do a comprehensive print of the test plan, there are 6000 plus jobs kicked off which create PDF's. Is there a way to download all the PDF's directly from the RQM server/repository rather than downloading these pdf's one at a time? This will save more than 10-15 hours of manual labor. =)
Accepted answer
If you open Test Case view or TCER view etc, you can select multiple test cases or TCERs and export them in one go.
This will generate a zip file including each test case/TCER PDF file, is this what you are after?
The below screenshot taken from v406 RQM:
One other answer
Hi Paul,
Thank you for your response. Yes, using the comprehensive report to download will download all the PDF's (which are combined together in 1 pdf workbook). However our requirement is to not have a combined PDF. We need separate PDF's for separate test cases. We have about 1300 test cases with over 4000 executions. So researching/auditing 1 execution result based on the test case name will be difficult in the comprehensive/combined report. I'm wondering if there's anything which can be done technically. If the separate pdf's are generated and are saved somewhere on the server or the RQM repository, then there should be a way to download them all directly from the server right? This is what I'm looking for. Any help is appreciated.
Hi Yatish,
As Don mentioned, multiple PDFs can be generated/zipped from the test artifact's table view.