How to Design Epic Story Linked Report using BIRT using the LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT in Datawarehouse?
My problem is if I try to join "LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT" table from WORKITEMS SNAPSHOT with "LINKS" table from COMMON SNAPSHOT it will not be accurate (as COMMON_SNAPSHOT is not live data and could be behind the LIVE_WORKITEM_DATA by almost a day). Moreover LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT has duplicate records and hence I will not be able to extract a single record that has all the latest attribute values (using javascript "KEY" - "VALUE" pair). Can someone see a better/simpler way of doing this.
I would like my final out put to be
EPIC ID, STORY ID (that is a child of parent EPIC), STORY POINT, STATE (EPIC), STATE(STORY), CUSTOM_INTEGER_FIELD_VAL(EPIC) as a dataset that I can use to create charts based on summary.
Environment: CCM 4.0.6
My problem is if I try to join "LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT" table from WORKITEMS SNAPSHOT with "LINKS" table from COMMON SNAPSHOT it will not be accurate (as COMMON_SNAPSHOT is not live data and could be behind the LIVE_WORKITEM_DATA by almost a day). Moreover LIVE_WORKITEM_CNT has duplicate records and hence I will not be able to extract a single record that has all the latest attribute values (using javascript "KEY" - "VALUE" pair). Can someone see a better/simpler way of doing this.
I would like my final out put to be
EPIC ID, STORY ID (that is a child of parent EPIC), STORY POINT, STATE (EPIC), STATE(STORY), CUSTOM_INTEGER_FIELD_VAL(EPIC) as a dataset that I can use to create charts based on summary.
Environment: CCM 4.0.6