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How to connect predecessor & successor stories?

One answer

You can not create this relationship and it would also ignored and not have any impact on the scheduler if you could.
As far as I am aware Agile does not know anything about these dependencies either.
You could use a depends on/blocks relationship to show something like that. Again, the scheduler won't take this into consideration. You would have to do that yourself.

Perhaps I used the incorrect terminology, let me attempt again:
My user story story has multiple children tasks, is there a way to sequence these children tasks in RTC, beyond the normal Parent Child relationship

As far as I can tell, there is none. You can use ranking to some extend, but there is no explicit way of making sure the order is kept. You could use the blocking relationship to indicate it, but if a user starts a task before a blocking is finished, there is nothing to stop him.
If you want to change the order later, users would have to do that in their My work view as far as I know at least in RTC 4.x and before. The order would also only be related to the owner of the task and not across multiple owners. Not sure that answers your question, however.