Time of creating Fact build getting error target table column is missing

Accepted answer

I'm not familiar with the article you mention, but from a first look it only leverages the existing fields in the RIODS.PROJECT table.
You can add any column you like to the table, using your DBMS commands, but you need to understand that if you want to see the additional columns in your report you will need a customization of the Framework Manager data model as well. That is not covered by the article.
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi

Hello Francesco,

Hello Pravin,
An high level description of Data warehouse customization is available in this section of the Insight Info Center:
Customizing the data warehouse
It also has an "Adding columns to a table" topic.
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi

article which you have given is ctreation column using diff. tool Info sphere data architect. Can you help to create column in dataware house DB itself using frame work manager or insight dev tools?

Hello Pravin,
I don't think you can do it from framework manager or data manager alone.
The alternative to Info sphere data architect would be using you DBMS administrative tools or SQL clients.
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi

Hi Francesco,
Using below article we are able to pull HPQC data into Dataware house.
Now we want generate report using query studio or report studio.
Can you help on same?
One other answer

TS_TEST_VERSION is not a column of the RIODS.PROJECT table.
Could you please clarify what exactly you were doing when you got the error message?
Are you doing any customization?
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi

Thanks for earlier, I am pulling data from HPQC to Insight DW. I am refering below article for same https://jazz.net/library/article/1352 In Project table delivery properties In table name fileld I have selected RIODS table is Project. How I can add TS_TEST_VERSION column in RIODS.PROJECT table?