Error in RQM on changing the state to approval
We are using CLM . IN RQM, I am getting error while trying to approve a test case. The errror say "Test case cannot be approved until all its test scripts associated are approved due to artifact transition constraint." But the test script is already in approved state. What could be the possible reason for this error.
Please help with the answer
One answer
https://localhost:9443/qm/secure/service/ alias/testcase/
(any test case id applies to 26 placeholder)
Do you see the issue only in specific testcase+testscript or not?
If you remove testscript from test case and add it again and try, do you see any change?
Whether you try with supported browser(such as IE8) as v3011 is low and only some lower version of Firefox supports it.
From Manage Project Property, if you remove "Artifact State Transition Constraints > Approve Test Cases only when all referenced Test Scripts are approved.", will you be able to approve test case now? This is for testing purpose in case something unusual happens regardless this constraint.
Thanks for your reply. I see this issue in specifc test case and test script only.
I had tried this in IE 8.
From Manage property, I know we can do this but this would not be the right way.
I understand it is not right way to remove constraint from manage property. I was thinking to have a test in case you may have many similar artifacts having the issue.
Are you able to contact support to verify the database? I suspect something could be wrong in database which is causing the current issue to specific artifacts only.
If you run REST API against the specific TestCase, do you see anything abnormal?
If you duplicate the problem testcase and test script and associate them, do you have the same problem or not. If that works as expected, you may consider it as a practical workaround if further debug is not possible.