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integrating RQM with Jenkins

Rajesh Avanthi (10815145173) | asked Jun 02 '15, 10:16 a.m.
edited Jun 04 '15, 6:04 a.m.
We are trying to configure RQM-Jenkins integration and notice that the RQM-Jenkins plug-in
is not able to fetch the test cases, test scripts details.
Do we have a documentation on the steps / workflow to be followed on this integration?
Below is the screenshot referencing the steps configured...

2 answers

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Paul Tasillo (10665) | answered Jun 04 '15, 7:07 a.m.
This integration is developed and managed via this page

Please post a question there.

Rajesh Avanthi commented Jun 04 '15, 10:47 a.m.

Thanks Paul. I did refer this article initially and still encounter problem fetching the TestCases and Test scripts.  In that article, it mentioned ......

"For example if your automatic test script has an input field named Script, an enviroment varibale is added to each build step added in the "Per Test Case builder" and can be printed and used like so: %SCRIPT%"

I'm not sure, what does the input field name mean here....

Anyways, do you say that this integration is not supported by IBM ?


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Ricky Jay (281126) | answered May 10 '16, 1:40 p.m.
Hi Rajesh,

I have faced the same issue as it didn't fetch the test cases at all.  Did you find the solution?

Somehow, I have done this integration by creating a execution schedule in RQM by selecting a build. but a drawback is that you have to request a build so that it comes under RQM to select in a Execution schedule you will create.

After that whenever this build is requested from eclipse, execution schedule will run your TSER automatically.

Please let me know if you find the solution by Jenkins.

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