When to run Data Mart Collection jobs in RQM?
The server administration has 2 option of running jobs.
1-Data warehouse collection jobs
2-Data mart collection jobs.
The data warehouse is based on Java ETLs to load data from the application storage to a common data warehouse storage.
The Data Mart says that it only has information about metadata of application, and the reports are not run on this. Then why do we need this Data Mart collection job?
And how does the storing of meta data for an application is justified by running it manually via admin section(I was unable to find out any conclusion)?
1-Data warehouse collection jobs
2-Data mart collection jobs.
The data warehouse is based on Java ETLs to load data from the application storage to a common data warehouse storage.
The Data Mart says that it only has information about metadata of application, and the reports are not run on this. Then why do we need this Data Mart collection job?
And how does the storing of meta data for an application is justified by running it manually via admin section(I was unable to find out any conclusion)?
Accepted answer
Hello Sarvendra,
See the topic "What is the meaning of 'Data Mart' mode vs 'Data Warehouse' mode on the Reports tab of the JTS Admin UI?" of the following document:
CLM 2011 Upgrade Frequently Asked Questions
The new warehouse covers the entire CLM domain, whereas the data mart covers only the RTC/CCM domain and is primarily meant for those who wish to continue using BIRT with their existing RTC 2.x reports and do not plan to adopt RRDI. The out-of-the-box RQM BIRT reports do not work in data mart mode.
The com.ibm.teamserver.*.datawarehouse.provider teamserver property values are as follows and correspond to the mode visible from the Reports tab of the JTS Admin UI:
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi
See the topic "What is the meaning of 'Data Mart' mode vs 'Data Warehouse' mode on the Reports tab of the JTS Admin UI?" of the following document:
CLM 2011 Upgrade Frequently Asked Questions
The new warehouse covers the entire CLM domain, whereas the data mart covers only the RTC/CCM domain and is primarily meant for those who wish to continue using BIRT with their existing RTC 2.x reports and do not plan to adopt RRDI. The out-of-the-box RQM BIRT reports do not work in data mart mode.
The com.ibm.teamserver.*.datawarehouse.provider teamserver property values are as follows and correspond to the mode visible from the Reports tab of the JTS Admin UI:
- Local (Data Mart Mode). This is the RTC 2.x-style behaviour, where the old-style data mart Java ETLs run and store information in the data mart. BIRT reports get their data from the data mart.
- Remote (Datawarehouse Mode). This is the default on a new CLM 2011 installation. The new Java ETLs run and store information in the new data warehouse. BIRT reports get their data from the data warehouse. In order to access the CLM data, it is recommended that RRDI be used instead. If you wish to keep the BIRT reports, it is still possible
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi
One other answer
Hello Sarvendra,
my understanding is that the Data mart collection jobs are the equivalent of what was used for reporting in RTC 2.X before the data warehouse was introduced.
I think they are still used only if you choose not to configure a data warehouse during the CLM setup.
If you have a data warehouse they have no use or need to be executed.
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi
my understanding is that the Data mart collection jobs are the equivalent of what was used for reporting in RTC 2.X before the data warehouse was introduced.
I think they are still used only if you choose not to configure a data warehouse during the CLM setup.
If you have a data warehouse they have no use or need to be executed.
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi