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Cannot access RM on sandbox

Taly Hotimsky (2714657) | asked Apr 01 '14, 11:53 a.m.
 When trying to access my sandbox project on sandbox01 (5.0.0 M3) I can get into CCM and QM through the links on "Visit your sandbox project" links, but not on RM.

When clicking the RM link it navigates to RM but displayes the following error.
The following project cannot be found in the repository:
hide details
ID CRRRW7280E  The project might have been deleted or archived, or you might not be a member of the project. Ensure that the project exists. Contact your administrator who can make sure that you are a member of the project.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Shilpa Toraskar (IBM) (2294) | answered Apr 01 '14, 12:15 p.m.
There were some issues for Requirement Management projects that were created before March 20th, 2014, when sandbox01 was upgraded to 5.0 M3. You need to access the rm projects until the fix is deployed.
If you go to, details have been mentioned in yellow warning box on the top of the page.

Shilpa Toraskar (IBM) selected this answer as the correct answer

Taly Hotimsky commented Apr 01 '14, 12:19 p.m.

Hi Shilpa.

Thanks, but I don't think that explains my problem.
The message there says problems are related to dashboard customizations and bookmarked URLs.
My problem is accessing the project through the link on the sandbox page itself (not a bookmark). 

Shilpa Toraskar (IBM) commented Apr 01 '14, 12:33 p.m.

Hi Taly

I guess that message is not explained clearly there. But RM project link on sandbox page is wrong for all the projects which were created before Mar 20.
You need to find your project from And then you can access dashboard/artifacts/modules etc.
Hope it Helps!

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