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[RRC] - Create and Print missing on sandbox?

Taly Hotimsky (2714657) | asked Nov 05 '13, 4:13 p.m.
The Create and Print option (from inside an artifact's details page) is displayed greyed out (disabled) on sandbox for RM 4.0.5 RC2. Is this feature not available on the sandbox?

2 answers

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Kirk Grotjohn (1.2k3) | answered Nov 06 '13, 11:01 a.m.
I had encountered the same problem, but I didn't open a work item because it seemed to just be a problem for me... others that I talked to had the print button enabled (with the same set of permissions).  I'll see if I can find out any information about why this might be happening. 

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Kirk Grotjohn (1.2k3) | answered Nov 06 '13, 3:48 p.m.
It turns out this is a problem with the RC1 build, although not everybody encounters it. 
The problem is fixed in RC2.  However, just doing an upgrade from RC1 to RC2 doesn't make the problem go away, so I'm guessing the sandbox was created using RC1 and upgraded to RC2. 
I'm not sure how to get rid of your current sandbox so you can create an RC2 sandbox from scratch.  Perhaps somebody on the sandbox team can respond. 

Taly Hotimsky commented Nov 06 '13, 3:57 p.m.

Thanks for the clarification, Kirk!

Indeed I don't see an option to remove my sandbox project. Hopefully someone from the team will look at this thread soon and post  an answer.

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