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4.0.5 Module View adding Carriage Returns to my Artifacts

Evan Edwards (231014) | asked Jan 28 '14, 2:03 p.m.

I am using Firefox 16.0.2 and I recently upgraded from 4.0.1. to the latest 4.0.5 version.  I was very excited the improvements had to offer for editing Modules in RRC.  In 4.0.1 I would look at my module view and it looked like there were added spaces in my artifacts; however, when I would edit the module they would look fine.  Now when I look at my module view I still see carriage returns in my artifact; however, now the new 4.0.5 version actually adds carriage returns to my artifacts.  Is there a way to make the module view stop adding carriage returns to my inserted artifacts so I don't waste time editing all the added carriage returns?

Accepted answer

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Jan 28 '14, 4:22 p.m.
I note at that FF16 is not among the tested/supported browsers for 405, but IE8 and IE9 are.  Are you able to run those versions of IE, and if so do you see the same behavior?  IE9 is much better -- if you have a choice.
Evan Edwards selected this answer as the correct answer

Evan Edwards commented Jan 28 '14, 5:34 p.m.

Thanks Daniel,

I double checked and it appears I can use IE 10 and it seems to work fine. I will use IE 10 for modules.

One other answer

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Jan 28 '14, 2:08 p.m.
First thing I'd check is whether FF 16.0.2 is supported with 4.0.5 -- that's a pretty old version of FF, isn't it?  I'm using 24.2.0, which is an ESR.  I've never seen that behavior.

Evan Edwards commented Jan 28 '14, 2:25 p.m.

Thank you for your answer and for your suggestion. However, I work for the DoD and newer versions of firefox have not been approved to use on our development network yet so we only have the option of Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox 16.0.2.

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