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Is it possible to link one requirement to multiple work items?

Radha Sastrigal (111322) | asked Oct 17 '13, 10:24 a.m.

We are using Jazz 4.0.1

When trying to link one requirement to multiple work items using either link type "implemented by" OR "tracked by", it allows only one work item to be selected at a time!

While between RRC & RQM using "validated by", able to select and associate multiple at a time.

Is this suppose to work that way?

Is there any other way to accomplish linking 1 requirement to multiple work items at a time?

2 answers

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Oct 17 '13, 11:01 a.m.
RTC's OSLC delegated picker needs to be updated to support multi-select.  The reason that it works when linking to RRC or RQM is that these delegated pickers have been updated to support multi-select already.

There is a related enhancement already open -- feel free to add your voice.

permanent link
Radha Sastrigal (111322) | answered Oct 17 '13, 12:56 p.m.

Thanks Daniel,

I did express my concern and have requested to priortize this enhancement

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