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RPE adding Data Source Schema of RRC 4.0.2 failed

Accepted answer

Hi Clement Liu
RPE had authentication issues with data sources like DM which uses OAuth authentication, for which there is a testfix available. I have seen that this TestFix is even applicable for RRC. More information is listed in the below link. Please use this TextFix and let me know if the issue persists:
Best Regards
Abish M Zachariah

@abishabish, thanks. It did work!
On Microsoft Windows systems, the default <IBMShared> directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\IBMSharedIt should be C:\Program Files\IBM\IMShared instead. Can you confirm?
Thanks you!

Hi Clement Liu
Thanks for the update. On my Windows 7 64-bit machine, this location is "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\IMShared”
Best Regards
Abish M Zachariah

@abishabish, a question about RPE template debugging . How do you do that? Use Java printout to system out to check the values? Any tips and tricks? Thanks.

@clementliu, Yes we have to use "java.lang.System.out.println" statements to debug RPE template. Couples of other suggestions are also mentioned here:
For RPE to log more information in the log file there is a core debug mode which can be enabled using the option mentioned in the below link:
1 vote

@abishabish, Cool. Thank you!