Unable to create a module from the Module dropdown menu
My team has just upgraded to 4.0.5 for testing purposes. Since 4.0.3 we have been unable to create a module using the module dropdown menu. The prompt opens and reads Actor as artifact type and Text as artifact format in an non-editable field. We use the More... link on the artifacts drop-down menu as a work-around. Any help with resolving this issue is much appreciated.
One answer
That's weird, I don't think I've ever seen something like that before. My best suggestion would be for you to make sure that your type system contains an Artifact Type whose default format is "Module". If one doesn't already exist, create a new Artifact Type (call it "Module") and give it a default format of "Module", and see if that helps. It's possible that the Create Module form looks for the first Artifact Type with a Module default format, and if it can't find one then it gets messed up, though I think that is highly unlikely ... Give this a try, and if this still gives you problems then I would suggest opening a PMR with Rational Support: www-01.ibm.com/software/rational/support/contact.html
Good Luck!
Mike Jaworski