Backward compatibility issues with Rational Publishing Engine (RPE)?
4 answers
Keep in mind that you may need to update your RPE templates based upon any changes to CLM. For example, From RRC 3.0.1 to RRC 4.0 there was a new authentication type requirement added i.e. to pull data from RRC 4.0.x you need to use at least RPE 1.1.2 and specify "OAuth1a" in RPE 1.1.2 or "OAuth" in RPE 1.2. From RTC 3.0.1 to RTC 4.0 a new schema query was added to the work item schema to more easily access work item attributes.
These are really changes on a product by product basis. For the most part, an RPE template built for CLM 3.0.1 with RPE 1.1.2.x will work in the same fashion or with minor updates with CLM 4.0 - 4.0.1 with either RPE 1.1.2.x or RPE 1.2. Note that I'm listing the latest version of the products at the time when I wrote this response. Standard IBM disclaimers apply i.e. things can change. At this point I'm speaking from my own experience with RPE and CLM 3.0.1 up to 4.0.1. CLM 4.0.2 was just released and I haven't played with it yet myself (but I'm not expecting much to change in this context).
These are really changes on a product by product basis. For the most part, an RPE template built for CLM 3.0.1 with RPE 1.1.2.x will work in the same fashion or with minor updates with CLM 4.0 - 4.0.1 with either RPE 1.1.2.x or RPE 1.2. Note that I'm listing the latest version of the products at the time when I wrote this response. Standard IBM disclaimers apply i.e. things can change. At this point I'm speaking from my own experience with RPE and CLM 3.0.1 up to 4.0.1. CLM 4.0.2 was just released and I haven't played with it yet myself (but I'm not expecting much to change in this context).